Lasix Over the CounterEvery year more than 6 million Americans take Lasix. According to Statista, the number of prescriptions for the drug in 2020 exceeded 26.7 million. As you can see from the figures, this medication plays an essential role in healthcare. The only problem with Lasix is that it is available by prescription only, so to get the treatment you need, visit a doctor first. Still, not everyone can wait for an appointment. The best way out is to buy Lasix over the counter.

Our pharmacy offers Lasix online with no prescription required. Instead, you can consult our pharmacist remotely and get professional recommendations for drug intake. This way, we make sure you buy Lasix and use it safely. Your health and safety are our priorities, so we’ll do everything possible to provide you with the most detailed information about the drug.

Drug Name:


Tablet Strength: 100 mg, 40 mg
Best Price: $0.29 Per Pill
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Where to Buy Lasix?

Visit Canadian Pharmacy

Lasix: Action and Indications for Use

Lasix belongs to the class of loop diuretics. Its generic name is furosemide.It works by inhibiting the NA-K-Cl transporter in the loop of Henle (that’s where the name of loop diuretic comes from). The preparation stimulates urination, thus helping to withdraw access fluid from the body.
Such a property of the drug is widely used in the therapy of various health conditions that may provoke edema, including:

  • kidney disease;
  • renal failure;
  • liver cirrhosis;
  • congestive heart failure.

The drug is also usedin complex therapy for high blood pressure(hypertension). If your numbers are a bit higher than the norm, your healthcare provider may recommend Lasix alone to treat high blood pressure. The medication tends to be effective in such patients, as it reduces the circulating blood volume by removing unneeded fluid from the body.

Is Lasix Safe?

Diuretics (water pills) should be used in certain medical conditions only. Still, in some patients, the intake of these drugs can cause more problems than bring benefits. For this reason, you should check with your GP before buying Lasix over the counter.

Among the possible contraindications of this drug, there are

  • known allergy to furosemide or any other component of the pills;
  • inability to pass urine (anuria);
  • dehydration;
  • high cholesterol levels;
  • severe electrolyte imbalance;
  • prostate enlargement;
  • gout;
  • lupus, and some other diseases.

In severe cases, the intake of Lasix may be allowed if a patient with certain precautions for use stays in the hospital under round-the-clock medical control.

People with diabetes should better avoid treatment with Lasix as it can cause your blood sugar levels to increase. But if there’s no way to avoid taking furosemide, your doctor should adjust your antidiabetic treatment so that you can sustain safe levels of glucose in your blood.

The preparation is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation as there is some evidence of maternal death increase related to the intake of this drug. Lasix may also negatively affect the developing fetus.But if the potential benefits for an expecting mother prevail over the risks for the baby, your doctor may recommend taking this medication.

Unwanted Effects: What to Expect?

Regardless of how closely you stick to the dosage recommendations given by your GP or pharmacist, there’s always a chance that you develop some side effects from the drug. Some of them will stay with you until your body adjusts to the effects of furosemide, while others may bother you by the end of the therapy.

The most commonly reported adverse reactions to the drug include:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • blurry vision;
  • diarrhea;
  • tingling and numbness;
  • ringing in the ears;
  • vertigo.

You should also be aware of more severe reactions that may signal electrolyte imbalance or dehydration. They are:

  • extreme tiredness;
  • muscle cramps;
  • drowsiness;
  • severe dizziness;
  • mouth dryness;
  • fruity-smelling breath;
  • increased thirst;
  • vomiting;
  • changes in the heart rate.

The presence of such symptoms is usually a reason to reduce the dosage of Lasix or stop its intake.

Dosing Recommendations. Risks of Overdose

The recommended dosage of Lasix strongly depends on the medical condition you suffer, its severity, overall health, and your age. In adult patients, the commonly recommended initial dosage of the drug ranges from 20 mg to 80 mg, given once daily. Still, your doctor may recommend repeating the dose 6 – 8 hours later for better effect. To keep edema under control, you may need to take a short course of the drug (2 – 4 days) every week.

When the daily dose of the preparation reaches 80 mg, close monitoring for electrolyte imbalance is recommended. Especially if the therapy is prolonged.

The maximum daily dose of the drug should not exceed 600 mg. Please note that doses higher than 80mg/day can be used in hospital conditions.

Whenever you take medicines, there’s always a risk of taking an overdose. With Lasix, the symptoms you may develop include

  • dehydration;
  • low blood pressure due to the decreased volume of blood;
  • ototoxicity (hearing problems);
  • hypokalemia (low potassium levels);
  • electrolyte imbalance, etc.

If you think you might have overdosed on Lasix and have one or several of the listed symptoms, contact your doctor for medical advice.

Interaction of Lasix with Other Drugs

Certain combinations of drugs may change the way each of them works. Depending on what medicines interact with each other, the consequences may vary. They can either reduce the efficacy of each other or increase your chances of developing adverse reactions. In either case, that’s not what you want.

Before you buy Lasix online over the counter, make sure you don’t take the following medications:

  • phenytoin;
  • lithium;
  • some drugs for cancer treatment;
  • chloral hydrate.

If you are on antihypertensive drugs or take medicines for heart health, there is a chance you’ll develop severe adverse reactions.To avoid this, you shouldn’t start taking Lasix without adapting the doses of your other treatments. Check with your GP to do this.

Never take Lasix if you already take other water pills. Their concomitant use will lead to an overdose, with all the negative consequences following.

Advice on Lasix Use. How to Stay Safe?

To make your treatment with Lasix effective and safe, we’ve compiled a list of recommendations aimed at helping you achieve your goals.

  • Take the medication exactly as your doctor has told you. Never increase the dose without professional advice, as this may cause more harm than benefit.
  • If you take Lasix several times a day, ingest the last pill at least four hours before bedtime. Otherwise, you risk spending the night in your bathroom and not sleeping.
  • The higher dose of the drug you take, the more potassium should be added to your diet. Or, you can start taking potassium supplements to prevent hypokalemia and other health issues related to low potassium.
  • Don’t stop taking furosemide until your doctor tells you to do so. While you may feel improvements right after you start treatment, your symptoms may come back fast once you abandon the therapy.

Bottom Line

Lasix is a potent medication that helps treat people with many severe medical conditions. Still, its intake bears certain risks and should be agreed upon with your healthcare provider. We strongly recommend you check with your GP before you buy Lasix over the counter. Your health is the main priority. Remember this, and be healthy.