Natural Kidney Function Support Methods

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Kidneys are one of the few pair organs in our body. Their healthy function is essential for keeping us alive. Unfortunately, the statistics provided by the American Kidney Fund are worrying: they claim one in seven Americans have some renal disorder. Overall, more than 37 million people in the USA deal with kidney disease, and this figure continues to grow every day. Therefore, it is important to know what are the Natural Kidney Function Support Methods.

How can we prevent the development of the illness? How can we keep our organs healthy with only natural kidney support? Is it even possible? We know it is! And this is the reason we’ve created this post. So check out some of the best natural kidney function support methods you can start using today!

Kidney Function

While we all know that kidneys help our body excrete wastes with urine, few average people know the precise mechanism of work of these organs. So, let’s learn a bit more about what your kidneys do.

Nephrons and Filtration

Our kidneys are made of millions of nephrons. They are tiny filtering units that are made of two parts – the glomerulus, which is the part that filters your blood, and the tubule, which returns the substances your body needs back to the blood flow. So these work as a two-step filtration system that removes wastes and excess water from the organism.

Regulation of Blood Pressure and Electrolyte Balance

The filtration process performed by the kidneys plays an essential role in the regulation of electrolyte balance. These are the kidneys that withdraw electrolytes (if there’s an excess) or reabsorb them from the blood to keep their levels normal.

The impact of kidneys on blood pressure is possible due to the regulation of the extracellular fluid volume. In simple words, the renal system excretes fluid your body doesn’t need, thus reducing the amount of circulating blood and diminishing your blood pressure numbers.

Factors Affecting Kidney Function

Kidney function depends on a range of factors, both internal and external. Some of these factors are preventable, while people have no impact on others.

Age and Genetics

The CDC says that 15% of Americans have chronic kidney disease. Age and genetics are the two major contributing factors to this.
The renal functional reserve decreases as we age. The organs just wear out, and the waste filtering gets less effective. This leads to the development of chronic kidney disease. Some people know about their condition and try to find the best natural kidney support to make their organs get better. Others don’t know about their health issues due to the insignificance of symptoms. The latter is very dangerous as the risks of organ failure get higher every day.

Another factor predetermining your renal health is genetics. The variety of genetically predetermined renal conditions is impressive. There is enough scientific evidence saying that specific gene mutations cause kidney disease. Usually, such health issues run in families.
Also, the National Kidney Foundation says that African Americans suffer from renal disorders three times more often than Latin Americans and Hispanic people. White Americans are 1.3 times less likely to get kidney disease than people of color.

Health Conditions and Lifestyle

Certain medical disorders significantly boost your chances of developing renal disease. They include but are not limited to:

  • High blood pressure;
  • Diabetes;
  • Obesity.

Each of these major health conditions damages renal blood vessels and nerves, thus interfering with the normal function of the organs. By taking control of your major health issues, you have the chance to avoid getting into trouble with your filtering organs.

While you cannot cure diabetes or cope with high blood pressure here and now, you can implement some lifestyle changes to prevent renal damage. Factors, affecting your kidney health most are:

  • Smoking;
  • Excessive alcohol consumption;
  • High-fat diet;
  • High-cholesterol diet;
  • Sedentary lifestyle.

Hydration and Kidney Function

Do you want to have healthy kidneys? Then stay hydrated! Water plays an essential role in these organs’ functioning. It helps kidneys filter out the wastes and remove them easier. Besides, water is the thing that keeps your blood vessels elastic and healthy and open for the blood to freely circulate in the kidneys.

Medical specialists say that an average healthy man needs about 3 liters of water daily, while for women, it’s 2.2 liters a day. The only exception works for people already suffering from renal failure. Their organs just can’t filter that much water, so their daily liquid consumption should be discussed with a doctor.

Nutrition for Kidney Health

It’s not only hydration but nutrition as well plays a significant role in how your kidneys work.

Importance of a Balanced Diet

Food diversity is the key to your healthy renal system. Your filtering organs need protein, vitamins, and minerals to function as they should. Also, you should keep in mind that kidneys filter all the toxins from the body, including those you get with your meals.

Besides, by eating healthily, you can keep your weight within the healthy range as well as reduce your risks of developing diabetes and high blood pressure.

Nutrients Essential for Kidney Function

Your kidneys need a range of nutrients to function well. They are sodium, potassium, calcium, and phosphorus.
Sodium and potassium are essential in renal function as they help pull the water from the bloodstream to nephrons, thus allowing your kidneys to withdraw excess fluids.

Phosphorus and calcium levels are regulated by the kidneys, so you should keep them balanced in your diet to avoid their shortage or excess, which both negatively affect your health.

Foods to Include

You can get all the needed natural kidney support supplements from food. Just make sure your daily menu includes

  • Cauliflower;
  • Leafy greens;
  • Blueberries;
  • Red grapes;
  • Olive oil;
  • Wholegrain products;
  • Lean meat and poultry.

Foods to Limit or Avoid

To make a job for your kidneys easier, refuse to eat

  • Canned food;
  • Processed products;
  • Alcohol;
  • Sodium-rich foods;
  • Potassium-rich foods (like bananas);
  • Junk food.

Physical Activity and kidney Function

Scientists revealed there’s a strong interconnection between a person’s physical activity and renal health. Regular physical exercises activate some essential metabolic processes, which allow for keeping blood sugar and cholesterol levels within a healthy range. Besides, being physically active prevents weight gain. What does this have to do with your kidneys? The thing is those are the main risk factors for chronic kidney disease, so once you keep those things under control, you’ll have no trouble keeping your kidneys in good shape.

Types of Exercises

Whether or not you already have renal issues, it’s worth doing some exercises to help support your kidney function. Here are the top five to choose from:

  • Walking is a great aerobic exercise that doesn’t require specific equipment or preparation.
  • Yoga and stretching exercises help you learn to control your body while promoting relaxation and effective stress management.
  • Swimming is good for those who are overweight and have a hard time walking or doing other exercises.
  • Cycling is another aerobic exercise that works great for your muscles, blood pressure, and kidneys.
  • Aerobic dancing is a good choice for people who like being active. It helps develop stamina, muscle mass, and flexibility, which are good for renal health.

Lifestyle Tips

Switching to a healthier lifestyle is the best natural kidney function support method. The only problem you may face here is motivation. So just remind yourself that it’s all for your kidneys’ sake.

Healthy Body Weight

Keeping fit is not only about your physical comfort but also about your health. It has already been proven in clinical studies that excess weight and obesity are independent risk factors for chronic kidney disease. Healthy nutrition and physical activity are essential for your well-being.

Stress Levels

Learning to manage stress is one of the essential natural kidney function support methods. Cortisol (the hormone produced during stress) negatively affects the function of nephrons, thus interfering with the waste excretion process and damaging kidneys.

Some breathing techniques, meditation, and yoga can come in handy to keep your stress levels at bay.

Alcohol and Tobacco

Long-term smoking and alcohol consumption are the causes of blood vessel wall stiffening. Among the consequences of poor blood vessel health is impaired function of the kidneys. Limit alcohol and smoking to help your body recover and restore its health.


If you’ve recently learned about your kidney disorder, try not to panic. There are some effective methods to restore your health naturally without taking any medications. Methods described in this post are the basics to implement into your daily routine, so they can be used by everyone, regardless of the severity of their condition.

But when your doctor says natural methods are not enough for you and you should use some meds to support your kidneys, accept treatment. Remember, your goal is healthy organs, so whatever is good for you should be done.


Is there a natural way to improve kidney function?

Yes! Healthy and balanced nutrition, proper hydration, regular physical activity, and limiting stress can improve renal health.

How can I reverse low kidney function naturally?

This is possible in the early stages of renal disease only. Take control of your underlying health conditions (if any), as they may impact on your kidneys. Give up harmful habits and keep your weight within the healthy range. Together these should improve low kidney function.

How do I flush toxins out of my kidneys?

Drink at least 2 – 3 liters of water daily and follow a low-sodium, low-potassium diet. This should be enough to activate your renal function.

What can I drink to strengthen my kidneys?

Water is the best drink to strengthen your filtering organs. While providing zero calories, it helps your organ function properly. What else would you ask for?

Sofia Walker

Dr. Sofia Walker is an accomplished medical author, widely recognized for her extensive contributions to various medical articles. With her deep knowledge and expertise, she is committed to sharing valuable insights and information in a clear and accessible manner. Stay informed about the latest medical advancements through Dr. Walker's easy-to-understand and informative articles.